
Presidents Message September 2011

City is again preparing for a huge season of friendship, enjoyment, fun and success both on and off the field.

We have had a fantastic turn out for our first two training runs, the numbers at training are the best we have had for a number of years, with new players to our club being warmly welcome.

The bowling machine has been the best purchase City United has made in my time at the club and shows the forward thinking of our new committee. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of City United to warmly thank again the very generous support from Michael, Adrian, and Diane Coffey from Addimi Espresso Coffee and Anthony Dutton from Dutton Electrical who sponsorship and support allowed City to purchase both the bowling machine and a generator. Without their generous support City would not be able to obtain this fantastic training equipment that will benefit all City players in many years to come.

All four captains have attended both our training sessions with all being impressed by the commitment of players at training. Dan Whale is keeping a close eye on the performances at training as there are a couple of positions still needing to be filled in 1st Grade side.

Training will continue this Sunday from 10am at the Tamworth High Cricket nets.

All players are reminded they must have filled out a rego form and paid at least $55 to cover rego payments before they can take the field for the first match of the season.

Through the tireless efforts of the fundraising commitee by City members. City has been able to reduce the season playing fees for all members. The reduced fees from last season can be noted on the rego form.

The Tamworth City Bowling Club has again come on board to be City United's major Sponsor for the 2011/12 season, all players please remember to renew your membership and all new members are encouraged to join the club at the small cost of $6 per year to show your support. Our partnership with the Tamworth City Bowling Club is growing stronger every season and is the ideal place in town for a relaxing drink and chat, with some of the friendliest members and best facilities of any club in the region. City is very fortunate to have such a venue to call “home”.